
New tim node at Griesplatz

7. May 2021

With today’s launch of the new tim node at Griesplatz, the mobility project, which is unique in Europe, now has an additional location on one of the liveliest squares in the heart of Graz. At the new multimodal location at Griesplatz, customers have access to two electric tim carsharing cars, including charging infrastructure, and two fuel-operated vehicles, a rental car for longer journeys, and parking spaces for bikes. There are also two parking spaces with a public charging station for charging private e-cars. The tim node at Griesplatz is already the eleventh multimodal mobility node in Graz. It is part of the REGIOtim regional project and has been supported as part of the IWB/EFRE 2014-2020 (Investments in Growth and Employment) programme with funds from the European Union and the regional department of the state of Styria. It has also been co-financed by regional funds within the framework of the StLREG 2018.


Further information about the launch can be found on the Holding Graz homepage!


From left: Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik, Holding Graz Managing Director Mark Perz, Mayor Siegfried Nagl

Holding Graz/Foto Fischer

tim Griesplatz
Mit tim zu deinem nächsten Ausflugsziel
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